Michael and the team survey Reed's movements once his plane lands they plan to take him by using a vehicle driven by team member Ryan to cause an accident. Michael meets team members Ryan, Nick and Rebecca and they get to work putting a plan in place. Michael and the team need to quietly take in Reed Perkins, a freelancer for hostile governments in the Middle East in charge of finding assets used to spy on the U.S. It'll be the first time he leads a team of operatives since he was burned. Meanwhile, Michael meets up with Pearce who has a CIA job for him - a sort of tryout. Sam has found a place in Tampa where Anson could potentially be housing the T4 that he framed Fi with.

Sam interrupts their arguing - he thinks he found something they can use against Anson. Michael tells her that they have time to figure out another way, that Anson is afraid of them. Did Michael just miss the opportunity toe get Anson off of his case?įi and Michael go back to the loft and fight over what just happened Fi can't believe Michael let Anson go. Anson drives off, telling Michael they can pretend this never happened. Fi pulls the trigger to kill Anson - but at the last second Michael pulls him away to avoid the shot.
Anson knows that that his number is almost up, and tells Michael not to do this - that he's so close to being free from Anson.

Anson cooly tells Michael that Michael is in no position to make threats, when Fi shoots a warning shot into the hood of the car Michael has Anson pressed against. Anson plays stupid at first, until Michael starts to rough him up. Michael tells Anson that he's discovered what Anson is plannign and that it's ends today. Fi sets up a sniper rifle on the roof across from the garage where Michael surprises Anson.